For a new contract for the option services, you can proceed from the menu 「&Leo 各種手続き・お知らせ」(&Leo Procedures and notice) displayed in the main screen in the TV. (Contract procedures on Life Stick)
①Select the menu「&Leo 各種手続き・お知らせ」(&Leo procedures & notice) in the main page.
②Contract plan is displayed in the menu 「オプション契約」(Option contract) ⇒ 「未契約オプション」(uncontracted option).
Please select an option service to contract.
③Explanation screen about selected option service.
Check and select 「契約へ進む」(Contract) to proceed.
④Select a payment method.
■Registered credit card
Pay with the registered credit card.
■New credit card
Pay with a new credit card.
■Convenience store
Pay for the subscription at the selected convenience store.
■Automatic transfer with the rent
It's able to combine with the rent. However, the first payment should be paid with LEONET point or a credit card.
※This method is not available for corporate customers.
⑤Select a payment method, and 「契約に関する注意事項」(Notes on contract) screen is displayed.
※[Telecommunication business law] screen will be displayed if you contract Standard plan or Basic plan.
⑥Check the confirmation screen and select 「契約」(Contract).
⑦Please enter your LEONET password that was set during the initial settings.
How to subscribe to LEONET option service (Video)
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